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Posted byWoodzy at 12:47 PM 0 comments  


In the hidden depths of the Nevada Military Complex a battle is raging. Few know just how long it has been going on. Apparently it began several years ago when the Nevada Test Site workers discovered vast subterranean cavities deep underground, possibly as a result of the underground nuclear blasts which had artificially excavated huge cavities deep below the surface.

This activity apparently corresponded with the same general time-period when the U.S. Secret Government was making deals with the "Grays", establishing secret locations such as S-4 to study alien craft that had crashed, and constructing environmental enclosures for some of the 'few' alien beings that had been apprehended alive. Much of this activity allegedly took place and is taking place within the extreme high-security areas on and below the Nevada Military Complex.

However, the reports now coming out of the 'Complex' suggest that far more of the alien grays, and even their reptilian overlords, are involved with the activities taking place in Nevada than even a few alien survivors of crashed disks could account for. Many accounts have spoken of vast caverns below the southern Nevada region which have allegedly been the lairs of reptilian hominoids for centuries. All the accounts point to only one possible conclusion: That the Test Site workers broke into the native habitat of these reptilian beings, or a system of caverns which the reptilians had taken control of in the past, and as a result of the coincidental "treaties" which the governments were making with the saurian Grays (which they suspected originated from other-stellar regions), a secret treaty was made with this underground race as well, whether out of necessity or desire. Most of the "workers" would not be aware of the alien activity taking place in these extremely lower levels due to the higher security clearances necessary to enter or even know of them.

Mind Wrecker Invasion article continues

Posted byWoodzy at 4:18 PM 0 comments